
Engaging stakeholders

Complex social challenges like a more healthy society cannot be solved by single entities but need partnerships.

Therefore, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development envisages that all countries and all stakeholders are needed to act in collaborative partnership to implement it. This includes governments, the private sector, civil society, academia, and citizens.

“Partnerships are voluntary and collaborative relationships between various parties, both public and non-public, in which all participants agree to work together to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task and, as mutually agreed, to share risks and responsibilities, resources and benefits.”

United Nations General Assembly Resolution Towards Global Partnerships

For us, local communities of practice are an ideal instrument to take partnerships towards the level of action, and to anchor their vision into sustainability. They can create an enabling environment towards social innovation.

Whilst any partnership and community of practice is unique, they all have one aspect in common: The challenge to engage matching stakeholders that share a common concern and that commit to co-create towards its improvement.